May 21, 2024

Mademoiselle chats with Cotton Clara

Written by Carolyn Henry
For Mademoiselle Rachel her first bite of a macaron represented a moment of luxury and as such, we strive to ensure that each of our customers experiences a taste of Paris with every bite. That's why we only work with likeminded companies.


We wanted to make sure our little moment of indulgence with French macarons could be made even more fun with something special. that's why we have worked to find little presents that we'd love to receive as well as gift. Our June box sees a very special addition as we include a cross stitch version of the unofficial Mademoiselle Macaron uniform...the Breton striped top! We sat down for a (virtual!) cup of coffee with Chloe from Cotton Clara to chat about the return of cross stitch, hobbies becoming businesses and macarons, of course...!  

Tell us a little about yourself, what's your business, and when did you start?

I don't know the exact date I started my business but it would have been 2014 at some point after I'd had my second son, and I was really looking for a way to stay at home a bit longer with my boys. I did have to go back to work for a couple of years before I built Cotton Clara to the point it would pay a wage so in 2017 I quit my full time job to work on the business full time!

We design and manufacture craft kits from our studio in Leicestershire. Embroidery is our main product but we are branching out to other crafts like jewellery and paper craft and most recently punch needle. We sell direct to customers through our website but also to retail customers large and small. 

What do you consider your moment of luxury?

Going to bed early shutting the door (making my husband put the kids to bed) and reading my book till I can't keep my eyes open.


What’s your favourite flavour of macaron?

I don't like anything too sweet so maybe pistachio but I like the sound of pumpkin spiced macarons!


How do you serve / enjoy your macarons?

I'm not a big tea or fizz drinker, mine would be a black coffee! 


What do you love about your job?

I love that I get to be creative, that I'm the boss and that I get to problem solve ALL the time! I just love that I am never clock watching at work and never get the Sunday scaries. Although there are other scaries that I get, like 'will anyone order anything this year?!'


What other small businesses do you love and support?


My favourite small businesses?  That's so hard to choose as I work closely with so many amazing ones and have so many very talented small biz friends but a special shout out to Pom Stitch Tassel who sell the cutest craft kits and run fantastic work shops for all ages from their Devonshire shop and Molly Ginnelly Jewellery, who creates some of the most beautiful bespoke jewellery, which I very proudly own a few pieces of her work.


What makes you stand out from other businesses? 
I've made lots of lovely friends online and at trade shows over the years, my favourites are East End Press & Print Circus :)

Chloe, we're so excited that we're including the Cotton Clara Breton top cross-stitching kit in our June Subscription Box - and we can't wait to sew our Paris themed kits soon to adorn the new walls of our office. 


Merci & Bisous! Rachel x

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